
西班牙语 越南


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米歇尔·克里斯坦森 | 艾琳Hottenstein | 罗斯·马里昂·卢 | 约翰·彼得·麦凯 | 马克·斯蒂格 | Averil链


职业: 住房催化剂的首席运营官

教育: 康文署社会工作硕士学位


The Health District plays a vital role in our community by delivering creative solutions to unmet needs. 获取服务仍然是一个挑战. I would like the opportunity to 工作 to identify and expand services where they are needed, 采用系统的改变, 找到政策解决方案.


Working in social service organizations for 30 years has given me broad knowledge and understanding of the challenges people face when experiencing behavioral health and/or substance use disorders. I have built strong 工作ing relationships with local service providers and appreciate the collaborative spirit they bring to meeting community needs.


我们社区的保健需求不断增长和变化. I hope to help position the Health District to be a leader in identifying where gaps exist, and 工作ing with partners to fill the gaps so everyone has access to the health care and services they need to survive.


The COVID pandemic has magnified the need for behavioral health and substance use treatment options. Timely access to receiving services has also become a growing crisis as we see a shortage in skilled providers to meet the demand. 在卫生保健系统中导航也变得越来越具有挑战性.



职业: 顾问, 教练, 组织和领导力发展培训师, 战略规划, 和沟通

教育: 文学学士学位, 以及变更管理方面的专业证书, 训练, 和培训


现在是卫生区的关键时刻. 27年后,执行董事Carol Plock于2022年退休. 接替她的人只担任了六个月的职位. 其他主要领导人也纷纷离开. My expertise in leadership development and organizational management will help ensure the next transition goes smoothly.


In my professional 工作, I focus on leadership development, team health, and change management. 我指导高管们如何从他们自己和他们的团队中发挥最大的作用. 我主持研讨会,使团队在战略计划上保持一致并加快速度. The board needs someone with this skill set to ensure a successful leadership transition.


Besides the above, I intend to become the best ambassador the board has ever had. 利用我在新闻和传播方面的背景, 我将教育我们的社区关于卫生区的工作. I will do outreach personally by holding town halls and speaking at meetings across the district.


获得卫生保健,特别是精神卫生保健. The pandemic has been brutal—with both children and adults experiencing more anxiety and depression. Sadly, I know this from personal experience, since my dad died by suicide in 2020. These issues motivate me to help the Executive Director and Health District succeed.



职业: 退休的环境科学家和护士

教育: 公共卫生硕士学位(约翰霍普金斯大学).),环境科学硕士学位(印第安纳大学).),护理学士学位(大学). 宾夕法尼亚)


I want to use my knowledge and experience to address priority needs identified in the Health District’s 2022 Community Health Survey. 我在公共卫生方面的背景, 护理, 环境科学, and public policy could help the Health District in solving current and evolving health care and public health needs.


我的跨学科培训, 工作, 个人经历给了我广泛的, 以证据为基础的社区卫生方法. My 护理 experiences, including as a CO Migrant Health Nurse, helped develop my empathy for others. 在美国.S. 在环境保护署,我负责各种环境和人类健康问题.


我希望用我对社会的理解, 经济, 以及公共健康的环境决定因素, 还有我在医疗保健和环境卫生政策方面的经验, 促进改善社区公共卫生的行动, 获得医疗保健, 疾病和事故预防, 包括准备应对与气候有关的紧急情况和中断.


I think the most pressing health-related issue is to comprehensively integrate the social, 经济, and environmental determinants of health to address the vast unmet mental and behavioral health needs of our youth and vulnerable populations, which affects their whole lives and the health and welfare of our communities.



职业: 卫生保健

教育: 社会工作专业硕士学位


自2002年以来,我一直是柯林斯堡的居民. I believe that the Health District is uniquely positioned to support all who reside within the district. 有协调一致的领导, I believe the Health District can be a leader in addressing the social determinants of health that impact us all.


我做过社会工作者, 行为健康临床医生, 小学副校长, 高中校长, 语言主任, 波德学区的文化与公平, 目前担任SummitStone Health Partners首席文化官. 我呼吁采取行动,为代表性不足和边缘化的人服务.


柯林斯堡是一个关怀, 富有同情心的, 一个专门的社区,准备好为那些最需要我们的人服务. I hope to help connect the dots within our community to utilize the expertise and resources of the Health District to collectively impact and address the needs of our community.


我们需要儿童和青少年行为健康服务. 关心妇女、退伍军人和有色人种很重要. Developing support through a culturally inclusive and gender-affirming lens is essential to our community’s success. Social determinants of health are a moral imperative and an essential role of the Health District. 



职业: 拉里默县监狱的行为健康主管

教育: 咨询专业硕士学位


My experience in behavioral health and mental health 工作 in the county prepares me with the knowledge to advocate for legislative measures and policy issues that benefit our community, as well as to advocate for individuals who often do not have a voice in health- and mental health-related issues.


I have held the position of Director of Behavioral Health with Larimer County Jail since 2018. 我在柯林斯堡地区从事过大量的危机服务工作, served as a board member with the IRB (Institutional Review Board) within UCHealth, 并帮助建立了第八司法区能力法庭.


I hope to utilize my background in the behavioral health systems in Larimer County to offer experiential knowledge and insights to upcoming policies. I will advocate for fair and consistent services that affect our population and the individuals who comprise our community.


为成年人提供心理和行为健康服务, 青少年, 和孩子, 以及为那些资源不足的人提供的服务. 我希望能帮助整个社区获得他们需要的东西, 以及在需要的时候利用这些资源的方法.



职业: 退休护士和公共卫生专业人员

教育: 护理学硕士学位


作为一名退休的公共卫生专业人员, I have the time and community health knowledge needed to effectively contribute to the Health District’s mission of enhancing the health of our community. 我以前在社区健康评估方面有经验, 预防疾病, 残疾, 而死亡通过政策和制度发挥作用.


I was the Larimer County Health 服务 Director for 50 years and managed programs for disease prevention, 妇幼医疗保健, WIC营养计划, 特殊需要儿童保健方案, 烟草预防, 生殖健康服务, 和免疫. 我明白政策和制度是如何帮助促进健康的.


I hope to help the Health District continue to effectively and efficiently use their resources to meet the health needs of the citizens of northern Larimer County.


Mental health and substance use issues continue to be a major need within our community. Prescription assistance and dental care are ongoing needs for the low-income population.

